Kapikule Canli Kameralar


Kapikule Canli Kameralar

Türkiye'de ilk defa trafik kameralarna uygulamasa bir olan kasalar olarak cikacak tüm gören ve dunya'na giren ve yurt disina çevrimici ve Tir araclarinin okus bakisi goruntuleri artik internetten ve akilli telefonlardan canli olarak izlenebiliyor.

TRA (Transport Internationaux Routiers)

TIR is a French multinational transport organization that has a specialized role in the transportation of people, goods and commodities.

TRA’s main aim is to protect the environment and to ensure that international commerce operates safely, efficiently and economically.

The European Union is a member of TRA and has an obligation to cooperate in the development of the EU's transport policies and strategies, as well as the implementation of these policies and strategies.

In order to meet this obligation, TRA and its member states have adopted various measures to regulate the movement of goods and persons across the borders between them.

A major part of these measures is the use of technology.

As a result, TRA has installed many telematic systems at the borders between its member states to allow them to monitor the movement of passengers and cargo.

These technologies include video surveillance and telemetry systems, and radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems.

The use of RFID is particularly effective in preventing fraud, but it also has the potential to disrupt security procedures by allowing unauthorized personnel to gain access to sensitive areas of the border.

TIR has invested in the technology to help reduce this risk, but there is a lot more to be done to improve security and reduce fraud.

One of the most Kapıkule Canlı Kameralar important steps is to educate passengers about their rights and responsibilities.

To ensure that all passengers have an accurate understanding of their rights, TIR publishes a number of guidelines and publications on its website.

A number of these materials are available in both Turkish and English languages.

TIR provides information in a number of languages on the web and on social media. Besides English, the TIR website is accessible in French, German, Italian, Romanian, Serbian and Bosnian.

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