Jobs in Music That Pay a Living Wage


If you have talent and a passion for music, the industry offers many different job opportunities. However, not all jobs in music pay a living wage. Some require a lot of travel and some have demanding schedules, but there are some jobs that can provide stability and regular income streams, particularly those on the periphery of the music industry. These include musicians, recording and studio staff, promoters, managers, agents and music co-ordinators.

Artists who perform their own songs – Billie Eilish, Paul McCartney and Taylor Swift, for example - usually earn all the royalties from their work. They also have complete creative control over their own music, but the career is incredibly competitive. It can be difficult to build a following from scratch and it isn’t uncommon for an artist to spend years playing smaller venues before landing their first headline show.

Many people with musical talents turn their skills to teaching and make a living from their passion for music. Teachers may specialise in a particular instrument such as violin, guitar or piano and can either teach private lessons or teach at schools. Some teach as part of a music programme at a university or college. Choosing the right institution is key as some will have excellent internship programmes that can be invaluable when it comes to finding a future career in music.

Those with the best talent may choose to Musical jobs become an orchestral musician. There are some good reasons to go down this route including instant credibility and a guaranteed salary with full medical and dental cover and pension (after 30 years service or the "rule of 85"). On the other hand, the career can be extremely frustrating. Many orchestral musicians feel that they are not being recognized for their efforts and become cynical about their career choices.

Another option for those with excellent writing and interviewing skills is a role as a music magazine journalist. It’s a great way to report on the latest music news, speak to artists and review albums and concerts. It’s a popular career choice and you can usually find opportunities through networking, as well as seeking out the right publication.

Working at a record label is a popular career path for those with a desire to be involved in the music industry. This is a great opportunity to gain an in-depth knowledge of the music business, especially the A&R side of things. There are many different roles within a label, but you can often start out at an intern position and work your way up.

A music management career can offer regular wages, great networking opportunities and the chance to help launch an artist’s career. This is a highly competitive career, though, and it’s not for the faint-hearted as it requires a lot of hard work to make the dream a reality. However, it’s a rewarding and stable career for those who are successful. If you have the right skills and attitude, this could be your ideal job.

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